Let's Hear it For "Old School" at Change of Shift

She writes:
Hello Mother Jones, RN
I am celebrating 30 years as a nurse this year. In my career, I have had the good fortune to have many experiences including, but not limited to : NICU nurse, Neonatal Transport, Staff Education, Shift Coordinator, School Nurse, School Nurse Practitioner, General Pediatric Nurse Practitioner, and Research Coordinator. How many careers can offer that broad expanse of opportunity? I have loved every day of this career; funny, but when I made my decision to go to nursing school, it was made somewhat blindly. My mom was a Navy Nurse, and still practicing when she died (young, at the age of 40). I fell into it because I loved biology, liked being with people, didn’t want to be in school for an eternity, and didn’t want my job to become my life. When I graduated I thought I could save the world. Now that I am 51, my ‘world’ only encompasses several dozen patients – but guess what? I am so grateful that I had the opportunity to do just that little. But my greatest accomplishment? My love of nursing inspired another young person to enter the profession. She watched my joy and tears as I talked about the people I took care of each day. She wanted the same for herself. When she talks about her trip to South Africa to do AIDS research, or talking about the County ER practicum, her eyes glow. . . Her starting job is at a children’s hospital in the cardiac ICU. She won an award at her pinning ceremony for clinical excellence. How do I know so well? She is my daughter, and I thank God that she is so happy, and has chosen a career that makes her heart sing. Will she survive? I think she will, and here is why. She knows that having a social life and a network of friends is of paramount importance – work is only part of life, albeit an important one. She is willing and capable of working hard. She is organized but not anal. Rules are generally followed, but if they do not make sense, she acknowledges the frustration, does what is needed, and moves on. She does not dwell on meaningless detail. I have had many nursing faculty in my career who could learn from her approach! The biggest drawback to nursing? Too many women. Not enough Wo-Men. Sometimes petty, sometimes backstabbing. Sometimes not assertive enough, and sometimes picking too much on the interns. Too much blame on others at times, too little taking the bull by the horns. By nature, a caring profession, and therefore doing anything to make patients better, which takes pressure off the system that doesn’t serve, only delaying the meltdown. Using technology and allowing it to override our gut. A divided profession in regards to academic preparation. And last but not least, *&(^$%$ nursing theory. What do I love? Darn near everything. Every memory. Polly, Debbie, Phyllis, Karen, Patrick, Billy, Derrick, Sheniqua, Jerome, Aiden, Lakesha. More than a few opportunities to make a small (sometimes big) difference. A career that allowed me to go to grad school, and raise my family. Working with wonderful people who actually gave a damn – from the techs to the surgeons and all in between. And someday, soon I hope, one of them will be involved in repairing this broken health care system. It will take courage and perseverance, so we can’t count on a politician. My deepest regards and affection to all of you who have made my life rich beyond my dreams.
Thanks, Naughty, for you letter. Start thinking about launching a blog. You're a very good writer.

My favorite rabble-rouser, Monkeygirl, from Musings of a Highly Trained Monkey submitted this post about a STUPID rabble-rouser who showed up in her emergency. Read about the dangers of mixing stupidity with alcohol. Some people are just too dumb for words.

The one and only Kim from Emergiblog writes about a faceless old school nurse. Really! She also writes about patients who treat their nurses like they are invisible.
Emily from CRZEGRL, FLIGHT NURSE, sent in this post about flight nursing. She sent in a lot of good information, so check her post out. CRZEGRL, AKA Emily, is also a writer over at Nursing Jobs. Org. Read her biography, I am a Nurse.

I want to welcome #1 Dinosaur from Musings of a Dinosaur to Change of Shift. With a name like #1 Dinosaur, you know that this doc is old school. #1 Dinosaur sent in a post about the perils of the open-ended question in a new patient interview. Read it and learn. You'll be glad that you did.
Therapy Doc from Everyone Needs Therapy is a lot like an old school nurse. She believes that pills won’t cure everything under the sun. Read her post about ADHD.

May from About a Nurse writes about a very sad day at work. Old school nursing instructors prepare students to face days like this.
Old school nursing instructors were notorious for yelling at students who used poor body mechanics while caring for their patients at the bedside. Nothing will kill a nursing career faster than a bad back. Dean Moyer from Rebuild Your Back sent in the post about acute back pain. Read his post and start rebuilding your back.

I hope these nurses won employer concessions concerning retirement. I’ve been posting over at Nursing Jobs. Org. Check out my post about Travel Nursing: The New Retirement. Retirement is changing, and nurses need to change with the times in order to survive their "Golden Years."

On behalf of all the old school nurses and their patients, I want to thank you for dropping by Change of Shift. Next edition will be hosted by Braden at 20 Out of 10: Musings of an Emergency Room Nurse on June 26th. Send in your submissions via Blog Carnival or to “braden at bkellis dot com". See you there!
Wow! What a great edition! Those caps were either making my skin crawl or giving me a warm feeling inside (yeah, I'm weird...)
Thanks for doing (as usual) a fantastic job!
I was just thinking the same thing. Not only about another great job... but all the great old pictures and the variety of uniforms and caps to go with them. Some of those caps...
Thanks for including my post. :)
Sadly, Mother Jones, our sense of style is still atrocious as nurses. I love the old pictures! Thank you for including my post too.
An exceptional post. Everything did look so much cleaner then.
Excellent post. Helps me put it the biz into perspective.
So, MJ, were you snooping in my mom's drawers? She was an army air corps nurse in WWII -- what was called an "air evacuation nurse" and I have a picture very like the one for this post of her "flying ambulance." As her patients were pretty stable, the only people on her flights (mostly from Cairo to New Delhi) were the pts, herself, a sgt who was her orderly the pilot and navigator -- talk about nursing autonomy! (especially for the 1940's)
Wow! Great edition and GREAT pictures. Thanks for including two of my posts.
Excellent job! Many thanks for including my post.
Very nice job. I enjoyed the travel back in time, and I am very glad that I didn't have to wear the white cap (or the dress).
One heads up is that the next change of shift will actually be hosted over at my blog on June 26th. Submissions can be sent to me by emailing pererau at gmail com or you can send them to Kim and she will forward them on to me.
Thanks for including my post in this edition. You must not have gotten my inclusion from my other site NP's Place. Maybe next time!
Excellent article! It reminded me of nursing school ( I went to a hospital diploma nursing program) and worked for several years in a Catholic hospital where they still had nuns in active nursing duty. I feel proud to be in a profession which has such a sense of history and the ability to rise to any occasion. Technology has brought us a long way, but nothing substitutes good old fashioned tender loving care!
You were named as an honorable mention this week on Redscrubs.com for this fantastic, in depth blog post! Loved the pictures too.
Brandon, thanks for the heads up about Redscrubs.com. I am honored.
Thanks for including me in the Old School. I like that.
Just one small thing. Therapydoc is actually a "she". :)
I'll try to read everybody.
Oops, sorry Therapy Doc. Corrections are in place.
I can't believe I missed linking to you sooner! Great job btw...glad I have only had to wear a cap ONCE in my life, wow!
my neighbor had to leave nursing school taught by the "big hospital" because she wanted to get married. she's retired now and works retail part time. I can't help bu think what a wonderful experience she missed out on.
nice to see old school caps...
and nice to see a little piece of history for our profession
good luck ;)
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